von Simone Fränkel | Apr. 15, 2021 | General
The SUPERSMART research project funded by EIT RawMaterials has shown proof: printed electronic components such as sensors and smart labels on paper can play an essential role in building a smart environment for production, retail and logistics. Efficient and reliable...
von madeleine.geiling@isc.fraunhofer.de | März 31, 2021 | General
The SUPERSMART project team is proud to have been selected by the international jury as the winner of the 2021 OE-A competition within the category „Best Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator“. The SUPERSMART research project funded by EIT RawMaterials has...
von madeleine.geiling@isc.fraunhofer.de | Dez. 21, 2019 | General
Contemplementary to the actvities in Supersmart, several institutes in Finland launched the ECOtronics project in order to transform electronic industry into a circular economy. The ECOtronics project aims to use materials that can be safely recycled, composted or...
von madeleine.geiling@isc.fraunhofer.de | Juli 10, 2019 | General, News
In order to have a comprehensive overview about contents, objectives and partners of the SUPERSMART project, there is a new flyer for download available: Download: Supersmart_Projektflyer
von madeleine.geiling@isc.fraunhofer.de | Mai 15, 2019 | General, Messe
Michel Glotin from Supersmart Coordinator Arkema will present first results of the Supersmart project at EIT Raw Materials Summit 2019. This summit takes place between May, 20 and May, 22 in Berlin, Germany.
von madeleine.geiling@isc.fraunhofer.de | Mai 15, 2019 | General, Messe
Supersmart partner VTT will participate at AIPIA USA Summit on July, 3-4, 2019 in New Jersey. VTT will exhibit amongst other technical samples from Supersmart project in order to demonstrate technical solutions for smart paper and packaging.
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